Sunday, April 21, 2013

Authentic Being

I have a like/hate relationship with Face Book.  I've reconnected with old, dear friends with whom I'd lost contact (Annie Leung, Jill Williams, Susan Oldland) and found some great pages (I Love it When I Wake up in the Morning and Barak Obama is President, Thug Kitchen, I Fucking Love Science).  On the downside, I have to wade through ads; first it was ads for things my friends 'liked' and now just random sponsored ads. Dr. Oz must be making a gazillion dollars based on how many times his ads show up on my feed.

But there are moments that are wonderful and connecting and transcendent, like this one, which I like so  reprise here.  A FB friend posted wondering why some people had unfriended her after she posted a photo of one of her art pieces -- a non-offensive, delightful piece made of waves of color.  This is a theme I've heard often over the years, and have wondered it myself on occasion.  But then I moved to Chico for a job, where I connected with only two people (who were also new to Chico), felt very, very isolated, and spent half my time there trying to figure out how to make friends.  Finally, I realized that was never going to happen, not because of who I am, but because of who they are.  So here's what I commented on my friend's post, with a bit of expansion (because I'm not typing on my iPhone):

"Fuck 'em.  If there's one thing I've learned in the past dark years it is:  not everyone is going to like you.  And a lot of times, it's not even about you, as strange as that sounds.  It's about who they are and what they need in their lives at this specific point in time.  Someone told me there are friends for a reason, friends for a season, and friends for a lifetime.  So people come and go.  A lot of people left my life after Jeff passed away and I was no longer throwing huge and wonderful parties flowing with wine and party favors.  Those were friends for a reason (gluttony :-) ).  I was hurt initially, but now find I do not miss them at all.  In the flow of life, they have been replaced with people who enjoy my company, even if it's just a phone call.
So now I work hard at being my most authentic self.  I have people in my life that love me.  I conduct my business transactions with integrity.  And that is enough."

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