Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Energy and persistence conquer all things.”Benjamin Franklin  

After two 1/2 months of the re-vamped job search, success is mine!  To keep up my morale, every time a recruiter sent my resume off to a prospective employer, I'd put their name and the name of the company on a Post-It note above my monitor.  I figured it was just a numbers game -- eventually, I would get interviews with the folks who were in charge of hiring.  I am confident in my interview skills, so I knew if I could get interviews, I would end up with job offers.

In the end, it played out like this:  Resumes sent through Dice & LinkedIn: 388 (This includes last fall, before the re-tooling). Interviews with hire-ers: 3  Job offers: 1.  I actually had another interview set up on the day I received the offer, but called to cancel, as the offer on the plate was more long-term and therefore more desirable.

And the winner is: Me, of course.  I'll be working at Wells Fargo as a Business Systems Analyst, working on adding features to their Small Business Payroll service.  Long contract.  Good Pay.  Benefits options.  And most importantly, working in the Bay Area, right where I want to be.

Success is sweet.

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