Saturday, March 3, 2012

Start Me Up (Again)

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” – Mark Twain

So, moving sucks.  I know this is not breaking news, but since it's all I've been doing for the last 3 weeks, I feel like mentioning it.

After taking the plunge and moving to where I want to be (The Bay Area), I am ready to re-engage the job search this week.  I've been fielding a few calls, but have not been active.  The main reason for this is all my brain power has been taken up with moving, which is essentially an endless round of decision-making. First, the packing: Should I put the breakable vase in this box or that box?  Then the unpacking.  I know that I'm not going to re-arrange my kitchen cabinets ever, so I need to make sure that when I fill them up now, the locations of things make logical sense so I'm not running across the kitchen to find a stirring spoon I need at the stove.  I'm lucky to have this time, and thank god I didn't have to do the move and the new job all at the same time!  I've been completely exhausted and am just now getting back on my feet energetically.

And ready to get back to the work of finding a job.

Luckily, there are still a lot of jobs for Business Analysts out there.  And because I know people who understand networking, I have the potential for referrals, which was an unavailable option in Chico.  I went to an open house for my fabulous insurance agent and met a slew of interesting, successful folks, one of whom has a wife who works in a bank who is looking for a BA!  Even if that amounts to nothing, it is encouraging.  And makes me glad I had those business cards made up last fall.  They're finally coming in handy!

It's easy to get overwhelmed, so I'm encouraging myself to take Mr. Twain's advice:  Break things down, then down again, and don't put too many things on your list each day.  Having 20 things on your To Do list and accomplishing 10 makes me feel like I'm not working hard enough.  Having 10 things on the list and accomplishing them all makes me feel like I'm really accomplishing things.

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