Monday, March 5, 2012

Keep On Keeping On

Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs.” Malcom Forbes, Jr.

So, at my desk first thing Monday morning, ready to send out yet another flight of resumes to posting on Dice and LinkedIn, each one sent with a wing and prayer.  And I get a call!  A job that I really wanted three months ago has re-surfaced!  It's a work-from-home job for three months at a really great rate!  It will give me three months of solid cushioning to pay rent and look for more permanent work. 

Of course, this does not mean I'm not sending out the other resumes!  I'm off to do that now.  But I do so with more hope in my heart that the perfect job is out there.  And you never know when something will come up or from what direction.  My boyfriend says it's a numbers game; if you put enough resumes out there, one of them is bound to pay off.

I'm all about playing the odds!

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