Wednesday, December 21, 2011

10 Reasons Why This Birthday is Better Than Last Years'

I did this list last year and thought I'd turn it into an annual event.  It's good to look on the year past and be grateful for where I am.

10.  Despite my resistance to this town, I find myself telling new folks at work where the good restaurants are and how to get around.
9. I’ve been employed for over a year, and have made friends at work. 
8. Lucca has lost weight and is healthier than he’s been for a few years.  He continues to bring joy not just to me but to all he meets.
7. After last year’s birthday lunch debacle (in which I invited 8 people from work to lunch and they canceled one by one), I am going to lunch with new friends.  And my fellow design team members gave me a card and are taking me to lunch tomorrow!
6. I’m finally in a place in my life where I’m starting to give back again.  I’ve adopted a soldier through Soldiers Angels ( and will be writing him 1x week and sending care packages.
5. My motto from two years ago (“No more drama”) continues to provide benefits in my life.
4. The steady income has let me retire several debts and I’m working on the rest.  I’m living completely within my means.
3. I am now 3 years into a wonderful relationship with a man who adores me, enjoys my intellect and takes an interest in what I do.
2. I’m much healthier this year than last year.  I undertook a lifestyle change to lead a life in which I make healthy (or healthier) choices. I am going slowly but have added several healthy habits.  I started working out (!!), drinking protein shakes, walking more, cooking healthy foods.  I feel better and am looking forward to continuing to add healthy choices in the new year.
1. My new motto for 2012:  If you’re not enjoying yourself, you’re doing something wrong.

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